Life insurance and Ownership and investment considerations | Complete Guide

Life insurance and Ownership and investment considerations: Everyone is impacted by the financial and emotional choice to purchase life insurance. There are several product varieties, and there are good reasons to buy each one. We take into account a few of the variables related to buying life insurance.

Types of Insurance:

Policies that are covered fall into two main categories. These policies are categorized as “term” and “universal life” (we have combined “whole life” policies under the universal life umbrella for convenience).

Term Insurance:

When most people think about an insurance policy, they think of term insurance. In this case, the insured makes monthly or annual premium payments to the insurance company. In the event of death, the insured is entitled to a benefit thanks to these premiums. Typically, a policy is implemented over a predetermined amount of time. The policy’s tenure is typically between ten and twenty years. There is no residual value left in the policy if that period of time passes and the insured is still alive. >90% of term policies never pay payouts as a result, which explains why insurance companies are so successful.

Universal Life:

This policy is more intricate. In this case, premiums are paid as well, but they are paid in part to finance the policy’s “insurance” component. The remainder of the premium is an investment. There is a fund manager that utilizes this money to invest in securities, just like with other managed securities. The policy holder then benefits from the appreciation and income these securities produce from the policy. Within the policy, this accumulated value compounds.

The money from these assets eventually generates enough revenue to cover the term insurance costs. The policy consequently becomes self-funding. The insured does not have to pay any additional monetary premiums. The policy pays out upon the policyholder’s death and is in effect for the duration of the policyholder’s life. These rewards are given out regardless of the recipient’s age. In addition, the total benefits show how much insurance was bought as well as the value that has accrued for the policy’s investment component.

Universal life policies offer tax-free investment accumulation and higher benefits, with over 85% in Canada paying benefits at death or 100 years old. They can also serve as collateral for loans. However, they are more expensive than term insurance, have a conservative investment portfolio, and are illiquid, with penalties for withdrawing cash from the investment component.


The decisions that one makes about insurance entail a lot of factors. These factors can be broadly divided into four categories: ownership, cost, investment considerations, and beneficiary concerns.

Beneficiary considerations

The first thing to consider is if you really need life insurance. In the end, this boils down to beneficiary considerations. Is there someone whose death would significantly impair their financial situation?

The loss of a family’s primary provider will typically have an effect, but this isn’t always the case. When there are several breadwinners contributing equally to the household’s finances, the loss of one may not have any effect at all. Certain families leave no dependents, while others have additional financial means that effectively make them “self-insured.” It’s possible that none of these situations calls for life insurance.

If you decide that a beneficiary does not need insurance, you need to think about another query. Before lending debt, many lenders demand that borrowers have insurance. This is a typical criterion for personal credit lines, business loans, and mortgages. If a policy is required to cover a loan, this no longer constitutes a life insurance concern but rather a mortgage insurance consideration.


Investment considerations

One of these beneficiary justifications will apply to the majority of us. So, the question now becomes: Is it worthwhile to get this insurance as part of an all-encompassing investing strategy, or is its main function to lessen financial loss in the event of death

Term insurance by itself offers no financial benefit. An investor may benefit in some way from risk stratification. It’s possible that investors who have insurance as a safety net are a little more inclined to make riskier investments. Nevertheless, there isn’t much proof to support this argument.

A universal life policy is significantly more intriguing if investment is the main factor. The benefits of managed security are provided by this policy. Insurance regulations, however, permit income and value accumulation within the policy without incurring taxes. This is an example of an income tax shelter. Most of the time, capital gains or probate are not applied to the proceeds of an insurance policy at the time of death. As a result, the money that has accrued within the insurance is passed to the policy’s beneficiaries tax-free. Therefore, a universal life insurance policy might be a useful tool for transferring wealth across generations. The insurance policy is not liable to capital gains taxation at the time of death (due to a deemed disposition), unlike other securities.

This tactic has a drawback if someone tries to take money out of the policy while they are still living. Penalties and taxes may become severe in that case. In addition to capital gains and income tax, the policy typically has contractual penalties. Using the policy as collateral for a loan is a more successful way to generate money from these policies. The insured’s retirement lifestyle can be supported by the loan proceeds, which can be used to repay the loan at the time of death through proceeds from the policy.


These plans are reasonably priced given their benefits. Term insurance is usually very affordable, while universal life policies are relatively pricey in comparison, but they are also much more variable. Universal life insurance premiums can be significantly higher than other characteristics, such as health, depending on how much of the policy is invested and how much is allocated to insurance. It is evident that both the insureds’ investing goals and the policies’ value represent this variety.


Who should own the insurance is the last point to examine. The majority of the time, people buy personal insurance plans. But as surgeons, we are in a special situation where our medical firms can buy the coverage. It is obvious that this technique offers significant tax benefits. Since insurance policies are held in a business, the after-tax funds represent a significantly larger percentage of pretax revenue than if they were obtained with pretax monies. The crux lies in proving that the company actively cares about the insured person’s life, which is very simple for a medical organization.

In either case, each surgeon thinking about getting a life insurance policy should think about holding it personally or corporately. You should talk to your financial counselor about this.


Life insurance is a complex topic that needs to be discussed with each customer individually. One of the family’s breadwinners may be merely practicing risk reduction with this. On the other hand, there are sophisticated investment options out there. These have to be taken into account in relation to your personal as well as general investing objectives.

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